When Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is released, say goodbye to your V.

With the introduction of the Phantom Liberty DLC, the character customization in Cyberpunk 2077 will undergo some significant modifications, some of which may jeopardize V’s build. The game heavily emphasizes customization, including options for the starting character V’s appearance, abilities, and lifepath. But things don’t stop there. Players can constantly alter V’s appearance as they progress through the game and can level up various skills by investing points in them. A build in Cyberpunk 2077 can be further customized by selecting the weapons, outfits, Cyberware, and perks to use; these can always be changed on the fly to meet a particularly difficult situation.

All of this is to suggest that characters in Cyberpunk 2077 are frequently created and developed by players with a lot of time and effort. And after all that, attachment is simple to form. V might develop a certain manner of tackling issues because the game offers so many options for independence and decision-making. A slick talker might get used to talking their way into a locked room, but an experienced hacker is more likely to simply break the door down. But such engrained behaviors could change in light of the personalization adjustments coming with the Phantom Liberty upgrade.

Whether they like it or not, when Phantom Liberty launches, everyone will need to respec their Cyberpunk 2077 builds. Phantom Liberty is a huge DLC that will bring disguise systems, a new gang, and a plethora of adversaries, cars, weapons, and gear to Cyberpunk, thereby turning it into a brand-new game. However, it goes beyond just DLC. Along with a whole new skill tree, updated loot systems, and the ability for vehicular combat, Phantom Liberty is also overhauling many of Cyberpunk 2077’s basic gameplay elements. Players will have the option to entirely redesign their characters as part of those skill tree improvements.

Phantom Liberty will also redesign the Cyberware system of upgrades from Cyberpunk 2077. By giving users the freedom to add or remove active, passive, and conditional abilities as they see fit, this increases the level of control players have over the builds of their characters as they grow. V will have to go through a procedure to totally reset their Cyberware and enable them to reboot their internal systems from scratch because this customisation feature is also altering.

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